This blog - any blog not hosted on its own server - can be disappeared at any time by its host, Google. Any website not hosted on an independent, creator-owned server can be taken down by the host or blocked by the ISP.
Usually we associate such things with alleged violations of movie or music copyrights. Last week Google deleted six music blogs. You can read the full story at the website of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, but the essentials are that these were not piracy sites, that some of the site-owners had gone to great lengths to get permission to post files, and that the initiator of the complaint has not been revealed, although it was likely a music industry copyright-enforcement org. In the meantime, those blogs are gone. And may not be restored.
Allegations of piracy are not the only reason blogs are disappeared, and mp3s are not the only kinds of files contested. Corporations have gotten blogs taken down for criticizing them. Whether a posting is libel or free speech, or whether a picture is theft or satire, are litigable issues. In the meantime, your site can disappear. Again, more info at, an essential site for news about online freedom in all its forms.
This post is not about the battle to keep the 'net unowned and undominated, altho I think that's essential to the preservation of civil rights. My point is that if you've put hours of work into your blog or site and don't want to re-create it in the event of a disappearance, back it up to your hard drive. Instructions for doing so on Blogger appear at the bottom of this page. All it takes is one click.
The Bravest Apollo
9 years ago
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