The current political season should be a true case of "follow the money." Christine O'Donnell, another Palin endorsee, is the Tea Party associated winner of the Republican primary in Delaware. The Repuglican intelligentsia (i.e., Karl Rove) are not pleased, nor are the national and state party organizations.
Keep an eye on who funds O'Donnell's senatorial campaign from now til November.
The Tea Party Express is already announcing support - they are our old conservative friends in teabagging garb - their roots are in the faux-populist health care riots of last summer. Basically an establishment front attempting to harness Tea Party energy. So not quite your current Republican party but happy to work within it.
The combination of seeming grassroots teabagging with a mysteriously well-funded campaign featuring lots of advertising, busses for rallies, pre-printed posters will mean that the folks liberated by the Supreme Court "corporations is people" free speech decision are boosting her. These are the people who think the current Republican party is too middle-of-the-road and that it's time we really, really, REALLY let the free market show what it can do, esp if losses can be pawned off on the peons.
I think the latter will be the case. What on earth do the wealthy malefactors have to lose? Money? That can always be coined, stolen, or hornswoggled.
For them, O'Donnell's campaign will make a great case study in how to present and handle a candidate even less qualified than Dubya; how much untruth a Fox-fed public will voluntarily swallow; what issues can best be exploded to obscure actual crises; and just how much money per voter might it take to put a national candidate from Wasilla, Alaska into the White House.
If the MOR Republicans warm to O'Donnell between now and November, it will mean that they recognize not the power of teabaggery but of the plutocracy that wiggles it.
La la la.
The Bravest Apollo
9 years ago
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